Eldest son is a conundrum at the moment. In some ways he is so grown up and in other ways I feel like he is going backwards. He is absolutely loving school and learning - we keep being surprised by how many things in the real world he can now read and he is doing lots of writing and pictures at home to take back in to share with his class. He is pretty self sufficient in many ways as well - always gets himself dressed and ready to go out the door and he can sort himself out at mealtimes. Set against this really grown up chap, we are back to lots of shouting and tears when things aren't going his way and we are battling his eczema again. When he was three and four he used to be completely against leaving the house - I have never been one for staying at home all day and once we got out he was normally fine but we used to have lots of shouting and screaming beforehand. I got into the habit of telling him we were going out well ahead of time to give him five minutes to have his ta...