Giant rainbow craft
I am really enjoying the summer holidays but hadn't realised just how little I would manage to do in between various demands from the boys. Their appetite for craft and activities has definitely been rekindled and we're working our way through a lot of the ideas I've been stockpiling from Pinterest and Instagram. This week we had a go at a giant rainbow collage from The Imagination Tree. We started with a six colour rainbow like our mini Grimms rainbow then T decided we should have pink as well so added that on in the middle. They used strips of tissue paper for the base, added on some things from the craft box and then went through our pile of magazines to find a few pictures to go on.
They aren't very good with the concept of starting something off and then coming back to it over a number of days - we managed to keep it out overnight and stick a few things on the next morning but then W wanted to cut it out and stick it on the wall. I was really impressed with how careful they were with getting everything on the right colours and there was very little bickering and disagreement as they did it.
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