A at 14 months

1. Permanently filthy - he is still bum shuffling and crawling rather than walking so he is grubby all the time and wearing away the bums of his shorts and trousers.

2. A right blondie, like W was at this age, with his flyaway hair that I have no intention of cutting for at least another year.

3. A menace - T has taken to calling him Dennis as he is into everything and desperate to join in with (and destroy) anything the other two are doing.

4. A human hoover - he spends a lot of time under the kitchen table hoovering up dried cereal from breakfast and any food he's thrown on the floor during the day.

5. Very keen on stairs, both climbing up them and slowly shuffling his bum off the edge of each one to make his way down.

6. An absolute poppet - definitely one of the best ages when he has bags of personality and is still incredibly laid back. I am doing my best to make the most of this stage before he turns as stroppy and shouty as his older brothers.

