Rainbow bowls and balls
Hooray - I finished another project! I found a pattern for rainbow nesting bowls and colour sorting balls earlier in the year here (thanks to a link on a crafty Facebook group) and decided that I had to make them. I bought the wool at Easter when visiting my family in Devon - the colours aren't quite right to go with our Grimms rainbow things but I was too impatient to wait for wool to be ordered. (I probably could have waited another week or two for the wool as it's taken me six months to complete them!)
I'm really pleased with how interested the smaller two boys are. A is starting to throw everything so having him throw some small crochet balls is a lot more acceptable than other toys he could choose. I might need to investigate whether I can do something to stiffen the bowls up though - he does like to screw the bowls up into balls as well!
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