
Showing posts from July, 2019

The start of the summer holidays

I have been looking forward to the summer holidays - I don't work so I don't have to worry about childcare, I really hate the clock-watching round the school run and I like having my children at home. However, I would be lying if I said it didn't feel a little bit daunting now they have arrived. Days spent at home are not always very successful for us so my default has always been to get everyone out once or twice a day. That seems a lot more challenging this year with a small baby thrown into the mix who is nowhere near any kind of feeding and napping routine. On his sleepy days when he is happy to nap in the buggy for a three hour stretch it should be fine. But when he decides he is having a feeding day it gets a lot harder to keep an eye on the other three when I'm stuck under a hungry baby. I got stuck feeding in the park the other day and had to across with E still attached when A managed to get his foot wedged in something designed for much older children! ...
