The often forgotten third child

This post is entirely for my benefit as my memory is rubbish and I think about my children as they are now rather than how they used to be. At nearly 11 months old, there are two things about A that I would like to remember in future:

1. He likes putting toys behind his head which means that I keep finding unexpected things in his vest. I must have put him closer to the chalkboard than I intended the other day as when I went to change his nappy I found a couple of sticks of chalk down his back. And today his vest was full of clothes pegs as he had been sat out in the garden playing with them.

2. The rolling! I don't remember the other two rolling over so much and so quickly (although that may just be my memory). He's still determined not to stand but very quickly lies himself down when you sit him on the floor and starts rolling around, often onto some pretty knobbly toys. He's also pretty good at deliberately spinning on the spot when he's sat up now, I remember W doing that as well.

