Tuff tray round up - January

I've been thinking about how to make things flow more easily between Instagram and my blog. It is quick and easy to post on Instagram so I do it more often but I suspect in future I will be less likely to go back and look at my posts. One of the reasons I started blogging was to help me remember these early years - my memory for that sort of thing is rubbish and it all blurs into one in my head - so I want to be able to look back on the things we got up to on here as well.

So I'm going to start a monthly round up of our #tufftraytuesday efforts. So far this month we have had a tufftraythursday and sunday too so it's going well - I might need to bank a few over the next couple of months so I feel less bad when it all goes out the window with a tiny baby thrown into the mix!

Our first #tufftraytuesday wasn't actually on the tuff tray but on our new DIY light table, taken from this post on The Imagination Tree. Our growing love of wooden toys means we don't have much that is suitable for the light table at the moment but improvised with some glittery pompoms from Christmas, some plastic shot glasses and the magnet tiles. The mini rainbow and peg dolls also made it on!

I finally got round to making some rainbow chickpeas for our next tray. I learnt from the rainbow pasta (when we ended up with loads of slightly patchy pasta) and just did a few chickpeas of each colour but we may do more in future.

W is doing traditional tales at school this half term so when I saw an idea for a Three Little Pigs tuff tray on Pinterest I thought it would fit in well. We had little matchsticks for the straw house, craft lollipop sticks for the wood house and lego for the brick house, and some playdough to help stick things down.

This was one of our bonus tuff trays, requested by T when we bought some new scoops - rainbow oats, spoons and containers always go down well. The second one was prompted by an early start one Sunday morning when we set up some train track on the tray but I wasn't quick enough to take a photo!

Our final tray for January was letter themed - I printed off and laminated a set of lowercase letters available here at The Measured Mom and added in our magnetic letters and some loose parts. The idea was to trace the shapes of the letters with the different materials - buttons, pompoms, matchsticks or pipe cleaners - but a lot of it was too big compared to the letters. I think this is going to be one to do with T with some smaller buttons while A is napping for a while, until he stops purposely putting everything in his mouth!

